I remember going to a few. They were fun.
What do j-dubs do for fun these days?
we had 2 fancy dress parties in our congregation...before the ban.
it was the best fun we ever had together.
problem was some came as pirates with swords!
I remember going to a few. They were fun.
What do j-dubs do for fun these days?
how many of you missed playing sports in school?
the wt was merely trying to keep us from committing suicide.... how loving.take a look at this fear mongering :problems with sports today - g91 8/22 p. 5. .
"people used to argue that sports were of value because they built character.... such arguments sound hollow, even hypocritical.. .
I was a 6'2" freshman in high school. I topped out at 6'4" as a senior. I really wanted to play football. But, of course, I couldn't. You can't teach size and I had that. I'm not saying that I would have gotten a full ride scholarship to a Division 1 school, but just based on my size alone, I may have gotten a look from a Division 3 school at least. Football was/is huge where I'm from with many colleges always scouting. Who knows?
any one that have a funny or unusual experience from field service?
maeby you visited favela brazil.
the hood in the usa.
I got my Social Studies teacher at the door. It made for an awkward experience that Saturday and an even more awkward Monday.
i have a confession i was at benihana restaurant and i shared a table with a df person now can i be df because we were eating at same table..
How was the hibachi?
this magazine says it all!.
and many of the older jws believed at one point in their life that they would make it through the great tribulation and into the 1000 year reign of christ without dying.
which is why so many jws stayed in so long.. is the main reason why jws ignore all the child abuse, the end of door to door service, and the closing of kingdom hall for almost two years----because they still believe they will not die?.
I believed it and my JW (former) spouse probably still believes it.
found out on fb friday .
not sure if anyone else found out, but i take long breaks from the exjws movement.
had to do a serious search for her name, because she wasnt as active on jwn anymore...not sure how she passed but her sister said (according to another ex jws) that she had been sick for a while.. i met her once here in milwaukee, had a great time hanging out with her.
Sorry to hear this. Based on the picture, she was pretty. RIP
i only have lived in 4 states!
Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio
no one can steal your thunder when you are the fucking storm!
"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong." - Bertrand Russell
so we all know california is one shit hole idiot state.
now gov.
asshat has banned gas lawn mowers and leaf blowers.
i can't believe william shatner is 90 years old but doesn't look like other 90 year olds that i've met.
is it genetic?
is it lifestyle.
My brother got William Shatner's autograph at a recent Comicon. Just the fact that he was 20 feet away from him made my brother's life!